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How to install in-link (2)

Posted: 06/04/2011 6:41:29 AM

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After I download the in-link,when I install it, I find error showed "Warning: include_once(C:\wamp/core/kernel/startup.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\in-link\install.php on line 23"

How should I do ,is there explaination for installation?

Posted: 06/06/2011 11:04:41 AM

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Most likely you have wrong category structure after you downloaded and unpacked the distribution files of In-Portal and In-Link.

Here is how your folders/files should look like:

Not that if you have downloaded and unpacked In-Link and other modules - you would see them under /modules folder.

Once files/folders are in place you need to start the installation script via

Also, you'll have to download Advanced theme separately in order to have In-Link properly working ( ). I would recommend doing it before hand and uploading under /themes folder so you have themes/advanced in there.

Let us know how it goes.
