Posted: 04/27/2005 8:40:37 PM
I created a custom field called "companynamed" under the Community > Custom Fields section in In-Portal.
Then I added the following reference to this custom field on my registration form:
<td><img src="img/s.gif" width="16" height="1" alt="" /></td>
<td><inp:m_form_prompt _Form="m_register" _Field="_companynamed" _langtext="lu_prompt_company_name" _Template="misc/form_prompt.tpl" _ErrorTemplate="misc/form_prompt_error.tpl" /></td>
<td><inp:m_form_input _field="companynamed" _Form="m_register" type="text" class="input" style="width:135px;" /></td>
However, when a user completes the registration form and fills out the customfield it doesn't get populated on the back-end. Is my custom field in the wrong place (community)? Thanks in advance for your help.