Posted: 11/04/2004 2:38:12 AM
Good job on the new releases. I've been here for the long run awaiting in-link 3. It seems well worth the wait so far.
One of the things I loved most about In-link 2 was that you could have several instances of the script installed (i.e. one for a car directory, another to list real estate). I am not expecting 100% integration, but is something like this possible with in-portal?
I have version 3 running smoothly but I can't see anyway to install a second in-link module without creating a bucket full of errors. I'm not much of a PHP programmer BTW. I know that the default filepaths would need to be changed from "in-link/" to the name of my new folder, but that's all I could come up with in my first day.
Congrats once again,

I forgot to mention, new topics for In-portal and all of the modules would be nice for the forums. I can see it getting very busy around here soon :D