Posted: 06/11/2003 4:57:00 PM
I see there is a lot of anxienty again in this category :smile:
I know I have promised to give you an update long time ago, and I apologize for not providing it. There are really no important news - as Ian has put it very well. I don't think anyone will appreciate me posting every week the same message (if I am wrong - let me know. My copy/paste skills are pretty good

Regarding the deadlines - if you read the historical posts, you will see a lot of promised and broken deadlines. The early ones were broken, because we gravely underestimated the complexity of the task at hand. The more recent delays have nothing to do with In-portal itself: it is only one project of many our company is undertaking; and other projects sometimes take priority, as much as I hate to admit it.
This is not the easiest time in the U.S. economy, and our primary objective is to maintain the well-being of the company. Otherwise, as you can guess, there will be no In-portal at all. We have dedicated people working on In-portal - but that is not enough; a lot of mine, Andrew's and Stoyan's personal time is required for In-portal to be completed, and we are simply too overloaded and overworked :sad:
So please, stop trying to get a concrete date from us - it is simply not known at this time. Anything I tell you today may change next week. If you have projects with deadlines and you have to make quick decisions - do what you have to do. If that means going with another solution - it's sad for us, but we understand that you have a business/charity/hobby to run as well.
All I can promise at this point, is that we are not giving up on In-portal - by any means not! The work is being done every single day; and even if the progress is not as fast as we all would like it to be - there is progress, day in and day out.
The group of beta-testers is closed for now - we already have more people than we planned on originally. The beta group is still testing the administration panel, while we are working on the front-end templates.
When I have some significant news, or when I am able to give better time estimates, I am going to break my keyboard posting here as quickly as I can :smile: