Posted: 11/09/2004 3:12:15 AM
Hi guys, I have a bit of a problem these days... maybe it is a program bug, maybe is just my brain:

I modified my homepage template putting in it this In-TAG:
<inp:include _Template="inlink/index/categories.tpl" _DataExists=1 _NoDataTemplate="inlink/index/no_categories" />
The results on my site was similar to what I expected apart from a couple of things:
1. I see the "very root" of my categories (directory, news, forums) instead of just the In-Link root category.
2. I modify the description of the categories I just told you (dir, news, forum), I update the tree as requested but I can just see the default string for them. Did I forgot something?
Thanks in advance guys,
Federico aka MrDisaster