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Ability to Crawl A Website (2)

Posted: 09/15/2015 2:32:05 PM

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When populating the directory, I would the ability to crawl a website retrieving the meta tag information, website description etc. instead of having to type in manually. If this feature is already available, please let me know how to perform this task.



Posted: 09/16/2015 2:38:41 AM

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There are "Meta Description" and "Meta Keywords" fields on article adding/editing page that you can use.

I'm not sure though if data entered in there would actually be used on article detail page on Front-End in META HTML tags.

If it won't you need to:

1. open "/platform/elements/html_head.elm.tpl" template
2. locate following lines:

<meta name="Description" content="<inp2:st_PageInfo type='meta_description'/>" />
meta name="Keywords" content="<inp2:st_PageInfo type='meta_keywords'/>" />

3. replace them with following:

<inp2:m_if check="m_IsActive" template="in-news/articles/article_detail">
meta name="Description" content="<inp2:n_Field name='MetaDescription'/>" />
meta name="Keywords" content="<inp2:n_Field name='MetaKeywords'/>" />
meta name="Description" content="<inp2:st_PageInfo type='meta_description'/>" />
meta name="Keywords" content="<inp2:st_PageInfo type='meta_keywords'/>" />