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sort the search result in inlink3? (4)

Posted: 01/12/2005 1:12:26 AM

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Some questions about the search function in inlink3.

1. The search results in Inlink2 have some sort options for user to choose.
Is this feature still available in inlink3?

2. In the front end of inlink2, the quick search has a drop down menu including some categories,
Is this feature still available in inlink3?

3. In advanced search of inlink3, some search option looks confusing, such as "Date Created" , "Hits", "Priority"...such fields which have a range. Can we make it looks like:
Date Created: Between __________ and _____________ ,
instead of "equal or not equal"?
And I found a pretty cool function in Admin Panel, a pop-up calendar help people to input a date, can this be included in advanced search part?


[Edited By snow on 01/12/05 2:12:08 AM]

Posted: 01/12/2005 7:31:40 PM

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Hello Snow,

Thank you for taking time and pointing this out.

1. It's already implemented, but still in testing more, that why you can't really see the interface for it.
2. It's not done yet, but also we'll be added in a future releases.
3. We'll work on these interfaces as well. By the way, the calender is pure JavaScript and would possibly slow down the page. I'd like to hear some other options on this matter.

Thank you.

Posted: 01/13/2005 2:38:42 AM

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Could show a default date in the format that Admin set, then user can modify to the date they want?
For example:

Date Created: Between 12/13/2004 to Today's date
The two dates are displayed automaticlly as the default, but user can modify it.
The default range is set by Admin, like 30 day.

3. We'll work on these interfaces as well. By the way, the calender is pure JavaScript and would possibly slow down the page. I'd like to hear some other options on this matter.

Thank you.[/quote]

[Edited By snow on 01/13/05 2:42:22 AM]

Posted: 01/13/2005 11:17:21 AM

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Thank you Snow.

Anyone else got an opinion about this calander thing?

Thank you for your time.