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Languaje Pack (Spanish, ...) (4)

Posted: 12/08/2004 3:00:41 PM

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I was installing in-Portal
But I see that only english Languaje was available

Is there an Spanisk Pack?

And, in case is not available yet, how can I create it?


Posted: 12/08/2004 3:16:14 PM

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Hello construaprende,

At the moment we only have English language pack available, but you can create your own one under Admin->Configuration->Regional section. There is an option to make a copy of current language, so you can translate the labels to any other languages.

Just to let you know there was a little bug related to copying language packs, but it's already fixed and included in 1.0.7 release which will be available for download today within a couple of hours.

Thank you.

Posted: 04/26/2005 6:06:45 PM

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entering Admin->Configuration->Regional section and it makes the copy to me but when I publish and I keep it does not make the changes remains in english.

Posted: 04/27/2005 10:20:34 AM

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mapanqueva wrote:04/26/2005 6:06:45 PM
entering Admin->Configuration->Regional section and it makes the copy to me but when I publish and I keep it does not make the changes remains in english.

Sorry, but I am not sure what you mean. Would you please try to write in Spanish.
