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Problem creating a contact form via the admin (2)

Posted: 05/03/2010 5:22:16 PM

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I've created a contact form, very simple only a handful of fields. I have 2 separate issues with my brand new form:

1. For some reason, the textarea is rendered w/ col and row attributes. I can't figure out why..

2. Submissions are not being listed in the admin. In fact, looking at the FormSubmission table I see a row for each time I hit the submit button, yet all fields are null. I do get an email when I submit as well.

Here is my contact.tpl template, which is the main template for the section:

<form method="post" action="<inp2:m_FormAction m_cat_id="0" m_cat_page="1"/>">
inp2:m_if check="formsubs_HasError" field="any">
class="red"><inp2:m_RenderElement name="error_message" /></p>
inp2:formflds_PrintList render_as="form_field" SourcePrefix="formsubs" per_page="-1"/
input type="reset" name="reset" value="<inp2:m_Phrase label='lu_btn_Reset' no_editing='1'/>" />
input type="submit" name="events[formsubs][OnCreate]" value="<inp2:m_Phrase label='lu_btn_Send' no_editing='1'/>" class="submit"/>
input type="hidden" name="<inp2:formsubs_InputName field="FormId"/>" value="<inp2:m_Get var="form_id"/>"/>
input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="<inp2:m_Get var="form_id"/>"/>
input type="hidden" name="success_template" value="<inp2:st_Field name="FormSubmittedTemplate"/>"/>

contact.tpl includes elements/dynamic_forms.elm from the default template, and that's unchanged from install..

As you can guess most of this was gleemed from the advanced template..


Posted: 05/19/2010 11:08:26 AM

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1. that "rows"/"cols" attributes should be set on field configuration page during form editing in "List of Values" field.

2. If you use "root" user to login to administrative console, then you should see sumbmissions. If other admin user, then please add permission to "admin" group to see submissions from that particular form.