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2 Server-side requirements failed (3)

Posted: 10/23/2012 2:16:29 PM

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When i try to install In-portal I get two errors:

- ini_get('date.timezone') - timezone set (required) [FAILED]
- ini_get('output_buffering') > 0 - buffering works (required) [FAILED]

Can anyone help me?

Posted: 10/23/2012 3:11:16 PM

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This means, that mentioned settings in php.ini file have incorrect values.

In particular this means, that webserver timezone isn't set and output buffering is disabled.

Contacting web server administrator would be best option here if php.ini word doesn't sound a bell.

Posted: 10/24/2012 7:28:38 AM

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alex wrote:10/23/2012 3:11:16 PM
This means, that mentioned settings in php.ini file have incorrect values.

In particular this means, that webserver timezone isn't set and output buffering is disabled.

Contacting web server administrator would be best option here if php.ini word doesn't sound a bell.

Thank you for your answer, for the first error i will contact the webserver administratorr. What do i do for the second error
- ini_get('output_buffering') > 0 - buffering works (required) [FAILED]