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upgrade (4)

Posted: 10/17/2011 8:35:50 AM

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hi everyone.

I need tu upgrade from 4.3.0 to latest 5.1.3.

i then try to upgrade to 4.3.1 and 4.3.9 first.

I sent all new files to my server and then run

I then don't know what to do....

i don't see any upgrade option...

I only see maintenance options below:

Clean out the In-Portal database and reinstall
Clean out the In-Portal database and reinstall from backup
Install to a new database
Update License Information
Change Database Configuration
Fix Paths

could anyone help me upgrading?



Posted: 10/17/2011 1:01:58 PM

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Here is how it works:

1. upload In-Portal 4.3.1 to server
2. go to /admin/install.php and perform upgrade from YOUR_VERSION to 4.3.1
3. upload In-Portal 5.0.0 to server
4. go to /core/install.php and perform upgrade from 4.3.1 to 5.0.0 version
5. upload In-Portal 5.1.3 version to server
6. go to /core/install.php and perform upgrade from 5.0.0 to 5.1.3 version


You need to upgrade to intermediate versions only when perfoming upgrade from 4.x to 5.x version of In-Portal.

Posted: 10/17/2011 4:34:16 PM

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thanks for the answer but when i go to admin/install.php i don't see any upgrade option...

i only see the maintenance options below :

Clean out the In-Portal database and reinstall
Clean out the In-Portal database and reinstall from backup
Install to a new database
Update License Information
Change Database Configuration
Fix Paths

what should i do to get the upgrade option to work?

it seems like in-portal doesn't see i uploaded new files to the server...


Posted: 10/18/2011 5:55:03 AM

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Hi found out what went wrong : i needed to change rights (777) on config.php
