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Como instalar In-link - How to install in-link (2)

Posted: 08/19/2011 8:53:24 AM

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Ola Senhores, Bom dia, sou novato aqui, ja instalei o In-Portal em, porem, estou com duvidas de como instalar I-Link. Baixei o in-link e enviei para a pasta Modulos, porem no painel Configuração/Website/Modulos so aparece In-Portal. Não sei como fazer para que ele enxergue o In-link
Hello Gentlemen, Good morning, I am newbie here, already installed in In-Portal, however, I have doubts on how to install I-Link. I downloaded the in-link and sent to the Modules folder, however the configuration panel / website / module only appears In-Portal. I do not know how he sees for the In-link

Posted: 08/19/2011 10:44:07 AM

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I suppose you have "in-link" folder under "modules" folder. If so, then:

1. login as "root" user with password, you've entered during installation
2. go to "Configuration -> Website -> Modules" section
3. click on "Ready to Install" link at "In-Link" module row