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Upgarding to newer versions on In-portal and In-link (2)

Posted: 04/12/2005 1:40:28 PM

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I am presently running In-portal Version 1.0.7 with In-link version 3.0.6 and noticed that a few issues i have come across seem to have been sorted in the latest versions. (not being able to view uploaded PC images being one.)

I have downloaded the files but I am not entirely sure how I should go about the upgrade as the install documentation doesnt really give much info and I dont want to mess all the work i've done in redesigning my existing copy.

So can someone tell me what the best way to upgrade is without losing all of my changes ?


Posted: 04/13/2005 11:26:26 AM

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We are going to post about the upgrade process in FAQ section shortly.
