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In-Portal Forum

Is In-Portal correct for my project (2)

Posted: 02/12/2014 2:18:16 AM

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I am new to In-Portal and am very happy when I saw the live websites.

I need your help in knowing whether I'll be able to create a website with the following features using the different modules available.

1) A website for selling different gift items where visitors can create their own account, enter shipping address etc... and their online payment gateway should be supported in Indian banks

2) Is there any module which will help me in getting real estate listings page

3) Is there any module for creating a job portal and business listing.

4) Use google adsense

Please suggest.

Thanking you for your kind help

With regards,

Posted: 02/12/2014 8:40:08 AM

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It sounds like a custom job to me. You'd better contact directly.