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a question about upgrading (4)

Posted: 03/27/2005 5:56:02 AM

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if I purchase in-portal now...will I be able to upgrade to the newer version when it comes out.

Posted: 03/27/2005 7:48:29 PM

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killermoses wrote:03/27/2005 5:56:02 AM
if I purchase in-portal now...will I be able to upgrade to the newer version when it comes out.


Absolutely! Once you own a license you are eligiable for one year of free upgrades and support with the right to extend it later.


Posted: 03/29/2005 3:05:03 AM

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Is it easy to upgrade from this version to the new one?

Posted: 03/29/2005 10:28:25 AM

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elad wrote:03/29/2005 3:05:03 AM
Is it easy to upgrade from this version to the new one?


Basically, it depends on how many versions behind you are and how customized your current version is. We are trying to make this process as easy as possible by automating all Database and Language additions changes through the intelligent UPGRADE script. For example it's automatically detects your current version (by DB structure) and what you upgrading to and does all necessary work for you. The other part of the upgrade process would be to upload new and modified files. We provide a detailed changelog file which contains a list of newly added and/or modified files (PHP and Templates, Images). There is a changelog file for each version for each Module. I personally don't see anything hard in this process, but you have to keep track of what you change in Templates in order not to lose your design.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any additional questions.

Thanks for your question!