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Templates & Tags Dictionaries (4)

Posted: 01/13/2005 11:11:14 AM

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In the earlier editions of In-Link, the User Manual include a IN-TAG DICTIONARY, THEME SET FILES, and a LANGUAGE SET FILES. I missed this in the current In-Portal User Manual. Considering the complete new tag system and template structure it is a daunting process trying to guess what a tags means and if it will work or not on a given template, and what a template specific functions are . Are this sort of dictionaries/refrences available?

Posted: 01/13/2005 12:28:38 PM

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There is a Tag library directly generated from your In-portal and has a list of all tags with attributes (most of them with examples). You can find it under Admin->Modules->General section.

Thank you.

Posted: 01/13/2005 4:06:46 PM

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Thanks! I missed that!
Is this available as Word or PDF document?
Andt what about the templates dictionary...?

[Edited By manuel on 01/13/05 4:09:30 PM]

Posted: 01/14/2005 10:39:41 AM

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Hello Manuel,

Please note that TAG library is dynamically generated from your In-portal. In other words, we build the library by taking the description from PHP files. This way, you always have a fresh/most updated tag list.

In regards to Template Dictionary - we have a list of all templates under "Admin->Configuration->Themes->Your_theme->Template List". All templates where named for what they do. For example - "inlink/link_element.tpl" is a template for listing a link and so on.

I hope it makes more sense.

Thank you.