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In-Portal Forum

Suggest Link (7)

Posted: 12/10/2004 1:39:57 PM

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How do I configure it so that if a user(member) suggests a link or category it emails me(the admin) for approval. Currently the links just get added when a member suggests one.

Posted: 12/10/2004 8:44:16 PM

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You need to modify the permissions on your Directory category. Remove "Add Link" permission from the Members group, and add "Add Link Pending". This should do the trick

[Edited By Dmitry on 12/11/04 6:53:19 PM]

Posted: 12/13/2004 8:54:03 PM

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Dmitry wrote:12/10/2004 8:44:16 PM

You need to modify the permissions on your Directory category. Remove "Add Link" permission from the Members group, and add "Add Link Pending". This should do the trick

[Edited By Dmitry on 12/11/04 6:53:19 PM]

I can't find a way to actually do that...under Community Groups Member Permission Permission type front end: the only option is log in. I don't see a way to add or delete permissions?

Posted: 12/14/2004 2:22:05 AM

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Directory permissions are managed under Structure & Data -> Catalog. Select "Directory" and click Edit on the toolbar, then go to Permissions tab, select Member and click Edit, then click on " In-Portal". Now make sure that Add Category [CATEGORY.ADD] is disabled (shows red circle on the right) and Add Pending Category [CATEGORY.ADD.PENDING] is enabled (green circle). Then click Save. If you have In-News and In-Bulletin installed, you would need to repeat the same steps for News and Forums directories in the catalog.

[Edited By kostja on 12/14/04 2:22:29 AM]

Posted: 12/14/2004 8:43:58 AM

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Hey thanks!

That seems to work. The only thing now is to get it to email me(administrator) when a member suggests a category/link/topic. I don't want it to email the member.

I have this for category pending:

Add Pending Category User Disabled <-- when this is enabled the member gets an email with a blank body
Add Pending Category Admin Front-end Only <-- admin never gets an email when a member adds a category

[Edited By Cory on 12/14/04 10:15:58 AM]

Posted: 01/21/2005 8:03:18 AM

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How do you trigger an email to the admin if a new link was added for review/validation?
I don't wanna be checking every day, so would be nice to be informed if links are added.

Posted: 01/21/2005 11:19:36 AM

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Timothy wrote:01/21/2005 8:03:18 AM
How do you trigger an email to the admin if a new link was added for review/validation?
I don't wanna be checking every day, so would be nice to be informed if links are added.


I'll look into that and let you know shortly.

Thank you.