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In-Portal Forum

Who said... (18)

Posted: 02/28/2004 3:04:00 PM

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No News is Good News???

How about an update?


Posted: 02/29/2004 4:57:00 AM

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Yes please :smile:

Posted: 02/29/2004 12:53:00 PM

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They are not even reading this forum. It like they have given up on this project.

Posted: 03/02/2004 11:16:00 PM

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Hello Guys,

Let me start saying, that this forum is viewed on a daily basis.

Regarding In-portal, all I can say at the moment please be passioned. You have to understand that there are many different procedures we have to follow in order to release In-portal as complete (even more work). As I can see, so far you only pushing and I think it is very easy to do on your side of the ship. So once again, please be passioned and let us work on this. By the way, please don't think that you are more interested in In-portal then us!

Thank you for your understanding.


Dmitry Andrejev
In-link Support Team
Intechnic Corporation

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dmitry on 2004-03-03 11:39 ]</font>

Posted: 03/10/2004 4:14:00 AM

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Don't get upset Dimitry

One thing I do not understand and then I will leave it as it is..

There is a customer using in-portal.
Grab this code...remove the custom things zip it and release it. Is it so hard to do this in 1 year?



Posted: 03/10/2004 10:21:00 AM

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That's because the site you saw was using a hacked together version.

If they sent it to us most likely it would be buggy and messy. Not something you would be happy using...

Anyway Dimitry,
I just bug because it has been awhile since there was an update...

I don't know about pushing... but asking every few months for a status update seems like something any normal person who is interested in your product would do.


Posted: 03/10/2004 2:53:00 PM

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They ought to be glad someone cares enough to ask after all the time they made us wait. I have since done 4 installations of PowerSeek, because I just couldn't wait for In-Portal. I will be retired by the time we even know what's going on with it.


Posted: 04/09/2004 11:36:50 PM

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How about some screenshots, we deserve it. Its been how many years in beta testing? Its a script, not Wind*ws 3000. Even Micros*ft gives us screenshots of their nextgen products.

Posted: 04/24/2004 8:49:59 AM

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Sorry to say that, in-Portal ist vaporware - nothing more nothing less.

This I wrote ONE AND A HALF YEAR ago:

[quote:4e474fa91c]Come on, be fair and say it as it is:

In Portal will never come

Look at your postings through out the year, they all say the same:

There is a delay... we're working on it... we hope to have a beta soon... etc etc

All just phrases. Look at No Screenshots - np news fpr 2 months

I paid for in-link and I like to see a new version soon, forget about promissing thing that won't ever come to light. Work on in-Link 3 and release it in a short time.

Or show us some pictures, screenshots, some code or something from in-portal. I personally can't believe that this shouldn't be possible if it relly exists![/quote:4e474fa91c]

It is still true and it will be true till the end of time, regardless how many 'we have to go through it again to release a working product' postings will follow.

And yes, I'm totally pissed

Posted: 04/27/2004 1:16:57 PM

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Hey there, is there something we should know about In-Portal? I think not as you aren't giving any hint of the development status since last year. There aren't news neither in the beta-testers forum as I'm one of the guys that tested it.

I'm beginning to think that nothing will ever be released, that I wasted my time tryin' to debug this damn thing (that btw worked quite well) and I wasted my money even using In-Link given that I actually have problems exporting my data to other open source products.

I hope that someone will read one day at least this post and send us an answer. I don't care anymore if In-Portal will be released or not... It's just a matter of loyalty to your customers to be honest about it. Once for all.

Hope to hear someone of In-Tech soon,
MrDisaster - An Angry BetaTester

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