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a few questions about InLink & InPortal (7)

Posted: 04/01/2003 9:28:00 AM

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Hi Guys,

I want to buy In-Link within a next few days. But I don't want to install In-Link2 and after a few days install In-Portal & In-Link3. I'd like to know the released date of In-Portal & In-Link3. If it'll be in next few (1-2) weeks so I will wait.

I am a newbie with In-Link and PHP / MySQL / Apache so I have some "very stupid" questions:

1. Is there any guide/help for end-users/surfers?

2. Is there any difference between normal surfer and owner of link in access/rights/benefits/permissions?

3. Can owner of link get an access to edit link/description of his own link? And Admin can approve the changes or not?

4. In my opinion, language pack is not enough. I'd like to give link's owner submit their link description in English & in our language (Vietnamese) so others can read both descriptions. Is it easy to do that? <--- I think it's very stupid question but I want to be sure :smile:

Best regards,

Posted: 04/01/2003 6:06:00 PM

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1. Is there any guide/help for end-users/surfers?
Unfortunately, we do not have any guides for users, because each site that uses In-link is somewhat specific and writting such a guide would be hard.
2. Is there any difference between normal surfer and owner of link in access/rights/benefits/permissions?
Usually normal surfers do not register, while owners do. If that is the case, then yes - there is a big difference in access/rights/benefits/permissions!
3. Can owner of link get an access to edit link/description of his own link? And Admin can approve the changes or not?
Yes, that is how it works.
4. In my opinion, language pack is not enough. I'd like to give link's owner submit their link description in English & in our language (Vietnamese) so others can read both descriptions. Is it easy to do that? <--- I think it's very stupid question but I want to be sure :smile:
Very easy to do! Just setup one of your link custom fields for description in Vietnamese. then I can provide you with a cool hack that will change the description of the link depending on the language! Let me know.

Best regards,


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Stoyan on 2003-04-01 18:06 ]</font>

Posted: 04/01/2003 10:03:00 PM

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Great Stoyan,

I love In-Link and you guys :smile:

But the question about In-Portal & In-Link3 is not answered yet!


Posted: 04/03/2003 2:05:00 PM

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I don't think it will be 2 weeks, judging from the current speed of development.

It's safe to purchase In-link2, and then if you decide to upgrade later you will still be able to. We will provide data import wizards, and possibly a template import wizard.

Posted: 04/04/2003 10:08:00 AM

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Hi Pavel,

I bought In-Link2 before getting your answer :wink: (can't wait more)... I will post and ask many questions about installing and setting it up later (hope you guys don't mind!).


Posted: 04/05/2003 2:09:00 AM

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hi and thank u for this great product !

where can I find In-Link 3 features ?


Ps : what is In-Portal, where can i find information on it ?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: floopy on 2003-04-05 02:13 ]</font>

Posted: 04/07/2003 4:25:00 PM

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Read up right here, on this forum.
As far as official In-link 3 features, we have not released them yet.