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CSS Problems - Which file to edit? (3)

Posted: 05/30/2011 8:44:32 PM

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I am using the advanced theme... when I look at the page code I see the stylesheet css files referenced like this "c_-735843146_1306798875.css"

I also notice that they change over time?
I made some changes to a file like above.. and later that afternoon the changes disappeared?! Whats up with that!

I notice a style.css in platform/inc/ - I changed that to how I wanted it, but the changes did not happen...

Can SOMEONE please tell me what is the deal with the css files in the advanced theme.. it is really annoying to make changes then have them disappear.... is there some kind of caching going on a regeneration of stylesheets?

Where do I make PERMANENT changes to the stylesheet.


Posted: 05/30/2011 9:11:22 PM

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No Worries, I got it. I went into the admin tools and refreshed the theme files wich deletes all compressed and cached Javascript/CSS files (.js .css) loaded using <inp2:m_Compress .../> tag.

I did that after i made changes to the style.css file in the "inc" folder... all good now...

I do have a question... whats up with all the compressed .js and .css files?

What is the purpose? Loading speed?

Posted: 05/31/2011 4:58:42 AM

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It's made to improve side loading speed.

All JS and CSS files are put into <inp2:m_Compress tag and then merged into a large css/js file, that starts with "c_".

If you manually have made changes to CSS/JS file (not the one with "c_" in front of their name), then you need to press "Refresh" toolbar button in "Themes" grid in Admin Console for that "c_" to be rebuilded as well.